1. Pre Historic Period (History Quiz)

1. Pre Historic Period (History Quiz) Questions

  • 11

    Which of the following statements are true about movement of hunter gatherers from one place to other place?
    i. They move in search for water resources.
    ii. They move to follow animals
    iii. They move to fight for resources with other groups
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All i , ii , and iii

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  • 12

    What impact was made on people around 12000 years ago due to changing environment?
    i. Fishing became important for the people
    ii. People started learning about animals food habitat and their breeding season.
    iii. Due to naturally grown grain bearing grasses, people may had started to think about growing plants on their own.
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All i , ii and iii

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  • 13

    Where is Bhimbetka site located
    A. Rajasthan
    B. Maharashtra
    C. Madhya Pradesh
    D. Karnataka

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  • 14

    What is true about Mesolithic age?
    A. Ostriches were found in this period.
    B. Environmental changes began in this period.
    C. Metal tools had started being used
    D. Mehrgarh is a Mesolithic site

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  • 15

    Which of the following technique is used to make stone tools?
    A. Brick on brick technique
    B. Stone on stone technique
    C. Brick on stone technique
    D. Stone on brick technique

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  • 16

    What is true about historical sites?
    i. It is a place where relics of the past are found
    ii. Relics found here are only on the surface of the earth or buried under the earth
    iii. It is a place where excavation activities are done
    A. Only i
    B. Only i and ii
    C. Only i and iii
    D. All i, ii and iii

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  • 17

    Where were the large quantities of ostrich egg shells found?
    A. Bhimbetka
    B. Hunsgi
    C. Patne
    D. Kurnool

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  • 18

    What is the time period for Mesolithic age?
    A. 9 lakh BC to 10 thousand BC
    B. 12 thousand BC to 10 thousand BC
    C. 40 thousand BC to 10 thousand BC
    D. 9 thousand BC to thousand BC

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  • 19

    What is true about Factory sites?
    A. Places where people lived for short amount of time.
    B. Places where food was found.
    C. Places where stone was found and tools were made.
    D. Places where large amount of animals were present.

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  • 20

    What is true about Pressure flaking technique?
    A. One stone was used to strike off flakes from the other till required shape was found.
    B. The edge of the stone was trimmed by removing small lithic flakes.
    C. The stone was dropped from a certain height and thus produced pieces are selected and trimmed.
    D. None of the above

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