5. New Questions and Ideas (History Quiz)

5. New Questions and Ideas (History Quiz) Questions

  • 11

    The earliest viharas were made up of
    A. sand
    B. stone
    C. brick
    D. wood

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  • 12

    Avesta contains _______
    A. rules for Sangha
    B. teachings of Zoroaster
    C. teachings of Buddha
    D. Grammar for Sanskrit

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  • 13

    Which of the following is false about Upanishads?
    A. Upanishads were part of the later Vedic text
    B. The text in Upanishads are in form of hymns
    C. According to it, both the Atman and the Brahman were one
    D. Ideas of the Upanishads were later developed by Shankracharya.

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  • 14

    ‘Approaching and sitting near’ is the meaning of _____________
    A. Vedas
    B. Avesta
    C. Upanishads
    D. Vinaya Pitaka

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  • 15

    What is true about Satyakama Jabala?
    i. He was a prince of Lichchhavis
    ii. His teacher’s name was Gautama
    iii. His mother was the slave woman named Jabali
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All i, ii and iii

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  • 16

    System of Ashramas was developed by
    A. Brahmins
    B. Buddha
    C. Jainas
    D. Vaishyas

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  • 17

    How many Jewels are in Buddhism?
    A. 1
    B. 2
    C. 3
    D. 4

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  • 18

    Which of the following statements is not the teaching of Buddha?
    A. Constant craving could be removed by following moderation in everything
    B. Karma, whether good or bad, affect us both in this life and the next
    C. Only those who left their homes could gain true knowledge
    D. One has to give up everything , including their clothes, and have to observe celibacy for the knowledge of truth

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  • 19

    What is true about both the both Buddha and Mahavira?
    i. According to teachings of both, one must leave one’s home for true knowledge
    ii. Both of them arranged for people to stay together in sangha
    iii. Both were Kshatriya
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All i, ii and iii

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  • 20

    What is written in Vinaya Pitaka?
    A. sangha rules
    B. Vedic mantras
    C. Zoroaster’s teaching
    D. grammar rules for Sanskrit

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