6. Mauryan Empire (History Quiz)

6. Mauryan Empire (History Quiz) Questions

  • 1

    The stone pillar on which national emblem of India was carved out is present at _________
    A. Bodh Gaya
    B. Sarnath
    C. Kusinara
    D. Sanchi

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  • 2

    Who was the first ruler who tried to take his message to the people through inscriptions?
    A. Chandragupta Maurya
    B. Bindusara
    C. Ashoka
    D. Bimbisara

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  • 3

    In which book, ideas of Chanakya were written down?
    A. Vinaya Pitaka
    B. Arthashastra
    C. Samaveda
    D. Avesta

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  • 4

    Which ruler was supported by Chanakya?
    A. Chandragupta Maurya
    B. Bindusara
    C. Ashoka
    D. Bimbisara

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  • 5

    Which of the following is true about Mauryan Empire?
    i. Taxila was a gateway to the northwest
    ii. Ujjain lay on the route from north to south India
    A. Only i
    B. Only ii
    C. Both i and ii
    D. None

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  • 6

    Which of the following statements is true?
    A. Taxila was the capital of the Mauryan Empire
    B. All people in the Mauryan empire speak same language i.e. Prakrit.
    C. Patliputra was under the direct control of the emperor
    D. South India was important for its blankets.

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  • 7

    According to Arthashastra, north-west was important for______
    A. Spices
    B. Gold
    C. Blankets
    D. Iron

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  • 8

    Who sent Megasthenes to the court of Chandragupta?
    A. Alexander
    B. Herodotus
    C. Seleucus Nicator
    D. Al-Biruni

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  • 9

    Which of the following is true according to Megasthenes description?
    i. During public appearance , the king is surrounded by armed women
    ii. The king’s palace was made of gold
    iii. During public appearance, the king ride elephants which were decorated with gold and silver
    iv. The king never sleeps in the same bedroom for two nights
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only ii, iii and iv
    C. Only i and iv
    D. Only i, ii and iii

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  • 10

    The present name of Kalinga is
    A. Bengal
    B. Orissa
    C. Maharashtra
    D. Andhra Pradesh

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