9. Culture and Science (History Quiz)

9. Culture and Science (History Quiz) Questions

  • 1

    What is true about Iron Pillar at Mehrauli, Delhi?
    i. The pillar has not rusted
    ii. Harshvardhan name is mentioned on the pillar
    iii. It weighs over 3 tonnes

    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All of them

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  • 2

    What is true regarding stupas?
    i. It is a place for meditation of Jains.
    ii. A small box called relic casket was placed in the east direction in the stupa

    A. Only i
    B. Only ii
    C. Both i and ii
    D. None

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  • 3

    What is true regarding Harappans?
    i. They had knowledge of copper metallurgy
    ii. Their successors belonged to Iron Age.

    A. Only i
    B. Only ii
    C. Both i and ii
    D. None

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  • 4

    What is true about Garbhagriha?
    A. Place where Image of chief deity was placed
    B. No person was allowed in this place
    C. Place for meditation of Buddhist monks
    D. Place for assembly of people

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  • 5

    What is true about Monolithic temples at Mahabalipuram?
    i. They were carved out of single piece of stone
    ii. People had to work from top to downwards to build this

    A. Only i
    B. Only ii
    C. Both
    D. None

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  • 6

    Where shikharas were built on?
    A. Stupa
    B. Mandapa
    C. Garbhagriha
    D. Pradakshina patha

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  • 7

    Which of the following is false regarding building a temple?
    A. Kings or Queens used to decide to build it
    B. Extra taxes were imposed for building it
    C. Gifts brought by devotees used to decorate the building
    D. Name of the people who paid for decoration were inscribed on pillars/walls of it.

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  • 8

    Which of the following is true regarding Ajanta Caves?
    i. Name of the persons who made them were written there
    ii. Most of them were monasteries for Buddhist monks
    A. Only i
    B. Only ii
    C. Both i and ii
    D. None

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  • 9

    Epics are-
    i. Long compositions
    ii. Stories about Gods
    iii. Stories about heroic men and women
    A. Only I and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. only ii and iii
    D. all of them

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  • 10

    Who composed Silappadikaram?
    A. Ilango
    B. Sattanar
    C. Kalidasa
    D. Kovalan

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