8. Political Development (History Quiz)

8. Political Development (History Quiz) Questions

  • 1

    Who among the following adopted the title of ‘Maharaja Adhiraja’?
    A. Chandragupta II
    B. Samudragupta
    C. Both I and II
    D. None of them

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  • 2

    Which age is referred to as “golden age” of ancient India?
    A. Chalukya
    B. Mauryan
    C. Gupta
    D. Kushana

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  • 3

    What is true regarding Samudragupta?
    i. His mother belonged to the Lichchhavi gana
    ii. In his prashasti, he is described as equal to the Gods
    iii. Kalidasa was the poet in his court.
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All of them

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  • 4

    Who was the first independent ruler of the Gupta dynasty?
    A. Srigupta
    B. Chandragupta I
    C. Samudragupta
    D. Kumargupta

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  • 5

    Which of the following were the important centres of the Gupta rulers?
    A. Patliputra, Ujjain, Prayaga
    B. Ujjain, Amaravati, Madurai
    C. Patliputra, Amaravati, Ajanta
    D. Prayaga, Ujjain, Madurai

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  • 6

    Who was known as ‘Napoleon of India’?
    A. Chandragupta Maurya
    B. Harshvardhan
    C. Kanishka
    D. Samudragupta

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  • 7

    Who composed the Prashasti of Samudragupta?
    A. Kalidasa
    B. Ashvaghosh
    C. Harisena
    D. Banabhatta

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  • 8

    Which rulers, after being defeated and surrendered, were allowed to rule again by Samudragupta?
    A. Aryavarta
    B. Dakshinapatha
    C. Descendants of Kushanas
    D. Sanghas in the north-west

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  • 9

    First Gupta ruler to issue silver coins was ___________
    A. Chandragupta I
    B. Chandragupta II
    C. Samudragupta
    D. Srigupta

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  • 10

    What is true regarding various rulers of Gupta?
    i. Aryabhata was in the court of Chandragupta II
    ii. Chandragupta II adopted the title of Vikram Aditya
    iii. Samudragupta believed in policy of peace
    A. Only I and ii
    B. Only I and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All of them

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