3. The Vedic Period (History Quiz)

3. The Vedic Period (History Quiz) Questions

  • 1

    What is true about Rig-Veda?
    i. Rig-Veda is written in Vedic Sanskrit.
    ii. Rig-Veda was recited and read only.
    iii. The Rig-Veda contains only hymns which are in praise of gods and goddesses.
    A. Only i
    B. Only ii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All i , ii and iii

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  • 2

    What is Sukta?
    A. Stones
    B. Hymns
    C. Melodies
    D. Tools

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  • 3

    The oldest Veda is-
    A. Yajurveda
    B. Rig-Veda
    C. Samaveda
    D. Atharvaeda

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  • 4

    Which part of a family of languages does Sanskrit belong to
    A. Dravidian
    B. Indo-European
    C. Tibeto-Burman
    D. Austro-Asiatic

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  • 5

    There is one hymn in Rig-Veda which is a dialogue between a sage named Vishvamitra and two rivers. What are the names of the rivers?
    A. Indus and Ganga
    B. Ganga and Yamuna
    C. Beas and Sutlej
    D. Sutlej and Indus

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  • 6

    How many times does Ganga named in the hymns in Rig-Veda
    A. Twice
    B. Once
    C. Thousand
    D. none of the above

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  • 7

    What is true about Rajas that are mentioned in the Rig-Veda?
    i. They had capital cities, palaces, armies and collect taxes.
    ii. Sons of the Rajas automatically succeed fathers as Rajas.
    A. I is true and ii is true
    B. I is false and ii is true
    C. I is true and ii is false
    D. I is false and ii is false

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  • 8

    Which of the following is Jana?
    A. Bharata, Puru, Rajas
    B. Aryas, Rajas, Dasa
    C. Dasa, Puru, Yadu
    D. Bharata, Puru, Yadu

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  • 9

    Which of the following statements are true about Dasas or Dasyus?
    i. They did not perform sacrifices
    ii. They spoke different languages than Aryas
    iii. Aryas called Dasas their opponents
    A. Only i and ii
    B. Only i and iii
    C. Only ii and iii
    D. All i, ii and iii

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  • 10

    Megaliths were used as
    A. They were used in wars
    B. They were used to mark burial sites
    C. They were used to make stone tools
    D. They were used in ornaments.

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